• Happy 420
  • By: [ABK]Necro
  • By: PotH3Ad[ABK]
  • By: [ABK]Necro
  • R.I.P. AiwNet
  • We no chet mudda fuka get good noobcake umad?¿
  • Old Banner by 4clypz aka 4cryinz
  • idkwhomadethis
  • by [ABK]bL
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Founded Aug 2006 
We're a Sa-mp Based/Originated Family. 
We also play a number of other games.
Cant stop pwning, Get Good Noob!
We play TF2 LoL CoD CS:S/GO APB and more!
We're not your typical soft ass clan/gang. 
Come see us in game, We'll be here ^)
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SA-MP ClanWars
[ABK] vs [HzD] Win
[ABK] vs [2pac] Win
[ABK] vs [___] Win
[ABK] vs [DIS] Win
[ABK] vs [PE] Win
[ABK] vs [cH] Win
[ABK] vs [BKR] Win
[ABK] vs [SM] Win
[ABK] vs [GRX] Win
[ABK] vs [ROD] Win
[ABK] vs [i9] Win
[ABK] vs SFC -_-
[ABK] vs [PDz] Win
[ABK] vs [GoT] Win
[ABK] vs [iTG] Win
[ABK] vs SFC Win
[ABK] vs dsk Win
[ABK] vs [NoM] Win

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[ABK]Antonio954 msg(s)
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[ABK]Spier607 msg(s)
KNCR538 msg(s)
[ABK]Necro427 msg(s)
PotH3Ad[ABK]422 msg(s)
Preakk413 msg(s)
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